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NAMI Omaha Affiliate Meeting -Hybrid Presentation

You are invited to a hybrid presentation: To learn about Lutheran Family Services’ Crisis Response Program and Heartland Crisis Intervention Team training for law enforcement and correctional staff throughout the state of Nebraska.

Thursday, May 5th, 2022, from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Christ Community Church (Old Mill South)

404 South 108th Ave, Omaha NE 68154

Room C118

Speaker: Eve Jarboe- Lutheran Family Services and Leigh Culver- Omaha Police Department

Eve will be sharing about Lutheran Family Services’ Crisis Response program. What occurs once the Crisis Response team members arrive, the assessment that is completed, disposition or recommendation process, and follow-up services provided.

Leigh will be sharing information regarding the Heartland Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training. She will be sharing about the various types of training provided by Heartland CIT. Information about the 40-hour curriculum focused to teach law enforcement many topics regarding mental health and engaging those with a mental health illness. Lastly, best practices to use when calling 911 and when the officers arrive at individuals’ homes.

Please join us online or in-person to learn more about Crisis Response and the Heartland CIT program!!!

Please Register for the presentation:


NAMI Omaha’s Board of Directors